Fetus is invulnerable and will perform one of the following attacks showcased in the chart below. Periodically deploys a jet pack and flies above the arena.Cross-hairs may either remain stationary or slowly gravitate toward Isaac. Cross-hair placement may either be completely random or exhibit specific placement. Multiple cross-hairs appear in the arena. Multiple cross-hairs appear and assume a cardinal or horizontal lineup (depending on Isaac's placement), followed by a fast and furious missile barrage. Typically revolves around single-launched missiles, but sequential barrage attacks involving 2 to 5 missiles become involved during latter sections of fight.

Attack sequence may be executed in the following ways:Ī single cross-hair appears and begins to chase Isaac. Cross-hairs indicate where missiles will explode.

#Super meat boy dr fetus boss fights portable
Fires three (3) to five (5) fast-traveling, soy milk-sized (?) bullets metallic tears in burst-fire succession (via a portable cannon).†Credit goes to Ozzyrockin for recommending Dr. Fetus is a formidable enemy that should not be trifled with. Under normal circumstances his appearances are rare, but nonetheless Dr.Utilizes technological weapons of mass destruction to horribly discombobulate enemies.Approximately the same size as Rag Man (if not slightly bigger).How he managed to infiltrate Isaac's basement and what he intends to do while there is anyone's guess. The main antagonist of Super Meat Boy.